An Introduction To The Foot – David R Tollafield

An Introduction To The Foot and Its Common Problems in the Adult

By David R. Tollafield

The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists are excited and proud to have commissioned this dynamic and important handbook, by way of an introduction to everything you need to know about the adult human foot.

The challenging subject of foot and lower limb mechanics is admirably clarified and easy to follow in this 180-page paperback, Pocket sized book. Well- illustrated, clear and informative, this book will appeal to podiatrists and foot health practitioners at all levels, whether you are new to the anatomy and workings of the foot or as a reference for reminder. This book will also appeal to other professions and healthcare professionals who have an interest in the foot.

David worked closely with IoCP board members during his talented creation of this seminal publication, including Bill Liggins, Consultant Podiatric Surgeon and Editor of the IoCP journal ‘Podiatry Review’, and the Chair of the IoCP and medicines specialist Gaynor Wooldridge.

The Institute’s Director of Education, Consultant Podiatrist Martin Harvey, commented; “This book will be of inestimable value as an aide memoir for the experienced and essential reading for the student of the foot as well as other healthcare professionals. It is neither patronising to the experienced nor needlessly complex for the newcomer. A genuine Tour de Force”